So, I'm dotaing and Vincent the Pure Heterosexual - Vincent asked for a name change. Wtf? - calls me and asks us to study together at my place's library. He comes, Milken comes and JT comes along. After about what felt like 45 minutes of studying for me, we left. Milken went to get his friends, Jordan - my ex school mate - and two other guys whom I have forgotten.
So, while Milken and Vincent went to get their friends, JT and I went to my place and ensued in a Halo Match. Basically I thrash him for two rounds without vehicles and the last round, is tweaked in his favour and I get thrashed. He takes a scorpion tank. I take a Rocket Launcher. By the time I start homing in, I get shredded by shrapnel. FUN YA? Anyhoos I managed to kill him twice.
So after that, we went down for basketball at my place. Since we had seven people, I decided to sit out to even the game.
Then, now the exciting part begins! We went for dinner. As usual, I ate the slowest. I like to play with ma food. Then this little kitty cat comes behind my chair. IT WAS OBVIOUZ HE COULDN'T RESIST THE CALL OF THE CATKROMANCERZ.
"Look at that beautiful fur. So soft. So cute. It's stripped legs. BOW TO ME KITTY!" - Thy Catkromancerz On kitty
"I'm sure all of us can tell this cat is very shy. Look, its avoiding the camera." - Thy Catkromancerz
Vincent the Pure Hetrosexual to my left; Jun.T to my right. Milken to the middle right and Jordan to the furthest left.
CHINESE EXAM REHGHGHGHGHGH. Damn. Scary stuff. Dominic and I, shared the same idea and brought a jacket to school to serve as a pillow. Rofl.
Paper 1 - Compo - Letter writing.
I forgot t3h format GG. Being a geniusssss, I wrote down NI HAO MA which is bound to get me one mark! Hur hur.
Paper 1 - Compo - some stupid question thing.
Being unable to read the facking question, I just copy it down. And that is it. I'm done with Paper 1 in ten minutes. LEET OR LEET?
My cat senses are tingling. The wrath of the chinese teacher shall descend upon thou.
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