Wednesday, 9 April 2008


So me, being a very busy person, checked out youtube for no particular reason and, I found these two videos! One on a cat thats extremely leet. So leet she plays the piano. Probably better then I myself. The other being one about a hamster. They're both fairly short so take a short moment to watch them. Oh, I also just found another one. Its a fairly entertaining catfight.

  Nora definately outwits Betsy's student in terms of skill! Nora clearly stole the show. Who would have known there was a cat so leet. In the words of the Catkromancer.

"Shes puuuuurrrr-fect. I'm going to fire my personal musician and hire her. Truely she is fit to serve me." - Catkromancerz

Wow, fat, furry and cute. Not to mention quite greedy.

"I R ONLY FEEDING HIM SO I CAN EATS HIM LATER! MROWR!" - Catkromancerz on the Hamster.

Mrowr! Catfight.

"These two cats were merely fighting for their king's entertainment. Such loyal subjects. DEATH TO COGNAC FOR LOSING. WHAT A FAILURE." - Catkromancerz on the Fight.

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